
Now: Food inc documentary

I chose the video “Food, Inc.”, the twenty-minute conversation with the author of a new documentary, because I eat everyday as, I guess and hope, everybody does, without actually thinking what this food on the table comes from.

In fact, this stuff is a sort of discovery for me. The food industry has been dramatically changed in last decades: from little private farms to huge industrialized producers those the largest consumers are such companies like McDonald’s. Wouldn’t it be too gullibly to trust to all these ads that promote easy-accessible-and-cheap food on every corner? Is it really safe for our health? I don’t think so.

I adopted from the philosophy course at the university (frankly speaking, much more from my parents and life experience itself) that there are always two sides of every coin. Dialectics: the more you pay for your food, the less damage to your health you get.

However, this documentary goes even farther: it raises the point about these powerful food companies that actually control the information disclosure about what is going in reality behind the curtain. It looks like these giants are more in power that the government. From my point of view, it may be more dangerous than just junk food consumption.

From my personal experience, I could suggest a really working way of being safe from dangerous food. Everyone could buy or loan a small agricultural holding, sufficient to grow potatoes, tomatoes and onions. My grandparents held cows, pigs, chickens, grew apple trees, cultivated a variety of vegetables and so on. But it would be too naive to suppose that such things are achievable without really hard working from dawn till dusk. Could I live like this? I really don’t know… Anyway, next time in the grocery store I will pay more attention to what I choose.

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