
We go to Vancouver

We are going to Vancouver for X-mas week. Is anybody interested in sheltering our cat?


Rôti de porc à la moutarde et au miel

Donc, gars et filles, blague à part! Il est temps de cuisiner de la viande. Il n'y a pas longtemps que j'ai essaié de rôtir un rôti de bœuf et c'était très goûteux. Ça n'a pas pris beaucoup de temps - environ 30 minutes. Malheureusement, j'ai oublié de sauvegarder ce lien-là dans mes favorites mais cette fois je vais citer la recette tout de suite :

Rôti de porc à la moutarde et au miel

Ce qui m'a étonné un peu c'est le temps de le cuisiner : il est recommandé de 1 heure et demi. Ça veut dire que le porc doit se rôtir beaucoup plus que le bœuf? Étrange...

En attendant la fin, je dois avouer que ça sent très alléchant.



Despite having a diploma in Applied Mathematics I've never had a calculator in my life.

Sun Factor

If somebody wants to know where the best city to live is, I could suggest taking into account the sun factor. Keep it simplesunny.


Nun's Island Birds Photo Exhibition By Michel Bordeleau

A new photo exhibition recently opened in our local community library on Nun's Island.

This is an absolutely amazing gallery of large pictures about birds. All photos were taken by Michel Bordeleau on the Island.

Highly recommended to see. It is free.

Figaro Is Here Figaro Is There

All the world is potty about mini coopers and beetles - they flooded streets and roads. But I saw something interesting today. When I descended to our basement parking at work I founded an old shape car in perfect condition - like new one!

I come closer and read its name - Nissan Figaro! Wow! A Japanese guest with the right steering wheel and automatic gearbox!

Sadly, I had no camera with me, so I took this picture from a web site devoted to this car. You can see more photos of this amazing car.

Meanwhile I am going there to read more about technical specifications.


Google Wave Invites

Here everybody can get an invite to the new Google project Wave. See you there!


Turn The Page

As you have declared that you found work at the beginning of the second week of this reporting period, we do not need information for the second week. Choose Continue to move to the next page.

If you wish to correct an answer on the previous page, choose the Back button before continuing. Choose Continue to move to the next page.

Did you start a full time job during the period of this report?


Yes, I have turned the page.

This was a very precious experience. Hardly could I say that I would like to repeat it but nobody knows what might happen tomorrow.

The new job is very interesting for me because I have already done such a thing in my life. It comes to support and improve Dynamics AX system in the company producing lighting part and equipment. Well, fiat lux!

In conclusion I would like to thank everybody who helped me during this unstable period. Your assistance is very appreciated. Good luck to everyone!