
Preved Medved

I do not know if Alexei did it purposely or it is just a mistype, but it looks funny.

Sometimes people use short names for their presidents or famous hockey player, for exemple, Gorby, Ovy and so on. Is this meme really good to be printed in newspaper like The Gazette?



One Of My Problem

One of my problem regarding crucial conversations is:

When I find that I’m at cross purposes with someone, I often keep trying to win my way rather than looking for common ground.


A Bit Of Statistics About Canadian Cities

Googling some statistics on Canadian cities, I came across on this funny remarque about girls there:

Girls in Vancouver are stuck up but their tits 37.5% larger than those of girls in Montreal or Toronto.

Any arguments are good when it comes to comparison of what you like! The whole discussion where people share their opinion regarding the cities.